We have reached a conclusion: after three years of activities, the consortium of the project ‘SIEP 2.0 – Social Inclusion through Educational Pills and Gamification’ is pleased to announce the conclusion of the implementation phase of the project. 

So much has been experienced, so much has been achieved but so much more is still to come: the project partners (from Spain, Portugal, Poland, Sweden and Italy) have together achieved so many important results. Which ones? Let’s find out together! 

First of all, the methodologies developed during the first edition of the project (such as “Put yourself in my shoes”) were once again implemented with enormous success; the project, thanks to the joint effort of the partners, reached new important goals: many schools and many institutions at local and European level were involved; a new interactive game (both online and offline) was developed and successfully implemented among young people from many different realities; finally, the European Book of Recommendations was produced, which contains a set of good practices successfully implemented and made available to all. 

But that’s not all: two trainings, three international meetings and many activities have accompanied this important project which, although it officially closes next January, will not cease to guide the many role models trained during this course: the aim of the project is in fact to combat bullying, cyber-bullying and discrimination (especially towards disabilities) through innovative methodologies (such as the theatre of the oppressed) and gamification. 

What to say then? Keep following our social pages for the latest developments and may the SIEP 2.0 project be a springboard to a future of harmony, cooperation and inclusiveness.